Wednesday, September 28, 2011

happy birthday Franco!

Per il compleanno del mio *futuro - spero presto* suocero ho preparato degli Apps cookies! Essendo lui grande appassionato di tecnologia e del mondo Apple ho pensato fosse un'idea carina.
I cookies sono in pastafrolla e ricoperti di royal icing bianco; per i disegni delle Apps ho usato una tecnica per me nuova, gli acquarelli alimentari e per i dettagli i pennarelli alimentari.

For my *hopefully soon to be" father-in-law's birthday I made Apps cookies! He's a big fan of technologies and the Apple world in particular; I therefore thought it would have been a cute idea.
Cookies are made of shortcrust pastry and covered in white royal icing; for the drawings I used a new (at least to me) technique which is edible water colors and I used food markers for details.


Manu said...

D'effetto!!! Un abbraccio

sandra said...

Es un regalo muy bonito, me gusta mucho. Un beso desde Asturias.

foodie @ tastingspot said...

i like your pictures and would like to invite you to share them on